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Other side of the 📷 #darqness 🙃_._._._

Sarah Durlacher

Sarah Durlacher is one part creator, one part anthropologist, and one part organizational alchemist. She is driven by her curiosity of how humans relate to one another in systems, in organizations, in teams, and most importantly, with themselves. Throughout her career, she has predominantly worked with the "highly technical"--from aerospace and robotics engineers, to blockchain developers, enabling them to bring their visions, concepts, ideas or sparks to real products, living services, into being.

While studying for her MBA at London Business School between 2014-2016, Sarah was day-dreaming and researching ways of working together that go beyond profitability and productivity as a means to an end and deep rooted models of growth in perpetuity.

This led her to blockchain. She joined ConsenSys to lead Organizational Strategy and Design, with a vision of bringing the values of blockchain technology, Ethereum, DAO's, etc. to life--in the way that teams within the organization operated, moved and grew.

After ConsenSys, Sarah dove deeper into the core of her work, creating communities and spaces and experiences for people to practice relating more deeply to themselves and others. Your{true}self Project, which Sarah brought to life in 2019, has impacted the hearts and souls of over 30 humans. Here, Sarah combines her creative love for photography, technology (the camera), experience design and meditation, to create a safe container for individuals and groups to explore their relationship to self. 

The Communication Dojo, started in 2020 by Sarah and her long-time colleague, Carol Xu, PhD, is a regularly held practice space where 80 people come together to practice various communication methods such as T-group and Bohm Dialogue. All with the intention of creating spaces of deeper connection with self and in relationship with others.

Sarah currently serves as a founding “co-gardener” of the Starter Cultures community and creative incubator space. She also is a founding member of The Present of Work, a cooperative LLC that is bringing more connective, human-centered practices and ways of working into teams, organizations and communities.

Her current client work is predominately based in New Zealand, where she is partnering with a government agency, Callaghan Innovation, and bringing Agile practices into how they deliver client products and services as well as researching and communicating with NZ government, highlighting the potential around investing in the blockchain space.

home: About Me
home: Instagram
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